Japan adventures – Osaka & Kyoto

January 12, 2013

It’s been more than a month since we’ve returned from a trip to Japan, but somehow life seems to have got in the way of sitting down and writing about the amazing holiday we had. December was a pretty busy month, and after having been away for ten days we had to squeeze work, gardening, […]

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November 5, 2012

Kai has been traveling again – this time for a total of three weeks! Three weeks is a very long time, so I decided to go and meet him in Melbourne after his work trip to the Gold Coast and before a conference he went to in Melbourne. We had four really awesome days! Admittedly […]

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Grammar geek

October 22, 2012

I must admit that I’m a little grammar geek. My favourite pet peeves are the incorrect use of apostrophes, the use of ‘hence why’ (yes, that seems to be a kiwi thing) and the incorrect use of the indefinite article in front of acronyms (don’t even get me started on that one). When Radhika posted […]

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October 21, 2012

In order to make reading my posts easier for my mum-in-law and my dad, I’ve added the Google Translate plugin to this blog. If you’re reading it in a web browser you’ll either find a translate button in the top right corner or a bar at the top of each page (depending on which browser […]

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World tour – part 3 (Hawaii)

October 13, 2012

Final stop of our tour was Hawaii, and by the time we got there, we felt that we had absolutely deserved this holiday. In my head I had planned out every day of our stay, and filled it with fun activities from morning to evening. But once we arrived the relaxing atmosphere of Hawaii made […]

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World tour – part 2 (Kansas City, Missouri)

October 13, 2012

Kansas City. Kansas City? Yes, Kansas City! The main reason we went there was D2WC, the Designer/Developer/Mobile Workflow conference. Kai had been there before and was surprised how nice it actually was. So when he was invited back to speak again this year, and when it turned out to fit nicely around the IA Konferenz […]

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