Renovating a bathroom – a story in 3 chapters (final)

by Diane on 29/06/2014

Chapter three – it must be all done, right?

I drafted this post back in November last year, when our bathroom still wasn’t finished. The plan was to get everything done while we were on holiday, but the series of things going wrong went on while we were away. Today there are still a couple of things that were never fixed. My original plan was to hold back with this third chapter until everything was done.

I think by now it’s safe to assume that the outstanding issues will never be fixed. The last time we heard back from our project manager was in February, so we assume that she’s as happy to leave things as they are as we are. We have closed the book of bathroom renovations and we are ok with how it is now.

Next on the list is our kitchen, but I swear that this will not see any major moving around of fixtures etc. It will be a simple replacement of cabinet doors and appliances. Seriously.

So here’s our new(ish) bathroom:

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