September Snaps – Day 8 (Unimpressed chickens)

by Diane on 08/09/2012

Today was another rainy and windy day. We spent most of the time inside, apart from a little shopping trip around midday. When driving past Oriental Parade I was close to getting out of the car to take a picture of the huge waves, but I just couldn’t get myself to brave the storm. Now that I’ve seen Nick’s shot of the day, which is taken pretty much the exact place where I wanted to get out and take a photo, I’m glad I went for a different location.

Here we see Gerda (on the left) and Petra, giving me the most unimpressed look ever. They are deeply annoyed by the weather – they really love the sunny days when they can take dust baths and pick & scratch for bugs and other little treats. Somehow I think they’re blaming me for the wind and rain, they are definitely giving me this reproachful look!

Gerda & Petra. Unimpressed.

jj September 10, 2012 at 9:56 pm

Diane do you remember that day we went to a beach somewhere where the waves were massive and really rough? I think you took some pictures – but I can’t remember the name of the place, think it started with O…???

Diane September 20, 2012 at 6:37 pm

JJ, you’re thinking of Otaki. But it was in Te Horo, just a bit south of Otaki (in October 2008 – feels soooo long ago):

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