Tokyo, July 2014

by Diane on 14/09/2014

It has already been 2 months since Kai and I spent our winter escape holiday in Japan. And yet there’s still no post telling you how awesome it was on this blog. When I woke up today – listening to the rain outside and wondering what I should do with my morning – I suddenly remembered that I still hadn’t written a single word about our trip. There are a number of reasons, and each of them took quite some time to deal with:

  • One of our chickens (Eva) died while we were away and we had to organise a little funeral (as in: dig a big hole) when we came back.
  • One of the remaining chickens (Ingrid) got really, really sick and had to spend 4 days at the vet clinic.
  • Our neighbours went on a big kill-all-the-trees mission in their garden and we had to save a huge native tree that is home to tuis, kereru, kakas and fantails. Luckily we succeeded.
  • I had to catch up on a MOOC that started while we were away.
  • I became an Adobe Education Trainer – the two months training for that had just started before we left for Tokyo, and even though I tried to continue studying while on holiday there was still heaps to catch up on once we were back again.
  • The gardening seasons has started! As soon as the sun comes out I’ll be outside digging, planting, weeding, collecting slugs and trying to convince the chickens that these are a delicacy (I rather have the girls eat them than killing slugs myself. Cruel, I know).
  • Oh, and there was work as well. Just the usual: normal work hours plus one article for the iX each month.

But most of these ‘obstacles’ to blogging are now out of the way. Ingrid and Sonja are healthy and mainly looking after themselves. My next professional MOOC starts only at the end of October (and the just-for-fun one I’m doing on paleontology doesn’t have set deadlines for each week). The next App-Infos are not due before early next month. All of this means, that I should have the time to get some blog posts written and published over the next few weekends. Stay tuned!

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