September Snaps – Day 17 (Veggie patch)

by Diane on 17/09/2012

Somehow I enjoy gardening quiete a lot lately. I’m currently working on growing some veggies, including kohlrabi (my absolute favourites!), which are very hard to get in Wellington.

What you see here is my main veggie patch. It has some broccoli already growing in it, and a few tiny kohlrabi plants under the plastic cover and at the top of the patch. They are guarded by garlic plants, I hope that’ll keep the nasty little insects away which constantly attacked my baby kohlrabis last year. On the left there are three more pots with three different variaties of kohlrabi. And to the right is the compost bin.

I wish I could already eat some homegrown veggies, can’t wait for summer/autumn to come!

Veggie patch.

Mechthild und Horst September 18, 2012 at 11:53 pm

Aus Erfahrung ,deine Pflanzen stehen sehr Gut . Das wird was. Auch wir hatten super Kohlrabi gerntet .Gruß Mechthild und Horst .

Nick September 19, 2012 at 8:59 am

Some nice looking green leaves there. Not long before there a salad going on. Nice work :-)

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